“I have had the pleasure of knowing Nate Fochtman for some time in both a personal and professional manner. I’ve had opportunity to work with him as owner of The FreeMind Group over the last few years and have found it to be a rewarding experience. Nate has attended our Design Thinking workshop along with other executives from Central Pennsylvania. In the time I’ve known Nate I’ve found him to be a strategic thinker with a real acumen for sales and marketing. Complementing his skills is Nate’s personality. He is a connector, a great networker and an avid researcher of all things connected to his work and personal passions.  If I were assembling a new team for a business venture, I would want Nate as a leader on that team!.”

Ben McGlaughlin

Partner & Business Consultant

Design Quake

“I have known Nate for many years, from his start in the bottle room at Origlio Beverage to rising to the ranks of a VP at Ace Distributing and now, venturing out to build brands on his own. His passion for this industry and ability to connect people, whether it's supplier for collaborations, or new brands to customers, is what makes him an exceptional individual to work with. Nate is like a unicorn. The rare balance of a well rounded individual who understands the various aspects that make our industry so unique. He knows how to develop and market a brand, drive sales, and understands the production and warehousing aspect of this business. Anyone working with Nate is in safe hands, knowing that he brings 15+ years of experience to the table.”   

Marat Mamedov

Owner, Boardroom Spirits

“The connections and advisement that Nate and The FreeMind Group have provided Beer Nuts over the years have been an invaluable partnership.  Our organization views The FreeMind Group as a true partner, a term we do not use lightly, but a term we use with a select few organizations that are actually vendors.  Partners like The FreeMind Group & Nate are always keeping us in mind and bringing us opportunities, and we try to do the same in return.  We appreciate the efforts in driving this.  We thank Nate for doing all the heavy lifting to this point, we look forward to the opportunity when we get to reciprocate as a client, for all that you have done for our benefit to this point.  Accordingly, as you seek recommendations, BEER NUTS, Inc. highly recommends Nate as an individual executor, as well as any organization he is tied to.  We know his success is only going to continue to accelerate and I recommend anyone interested in him and his organization seize the opportunity before someone else does, including me.”

 Andy Shirk

President, BEER NUTS, Inc.

“I have worked closely with Nate Fochtman for more than 15 years through his work with Origlio Beverage, Ace Beverage and most recently The FreeMind Group.  I have found him to have high integrity, to be a very good communicator and to be responsive to both customer and supplier needs and desires.” 

Jim Wiggins

Sales Director, 31st & Wharton

“I worked side by side with Nate at Ace Distributing for many years. Nate was the architect of "The Beer Ace" which was the platform that we built our social media program around. It was the best in the industry and separated Ace from our competitors. In addition to Social Media, Nate also helped to build Ace's craft division which was, and still is one of the best in the country. His programming and his systems were crucial to operating a very complicated and fast growing division.” 

Joe DeMarco

CEO, INCO Beverage

"I worked closely with Nate when he was at ACE distributing. I owned a photography business at the time and shot several events and initiatives that Nate created, organized, and marketed. I saw him take a brand that nobody had ever heard of and make it a household name in our community. He worked tirelessly to build strong industry relationships and I can honestly say that he changed the craft beverage culture in our town."

Allison Withegrow

Chief Marketing Officer, O.N.E. Hospitality Group

"My ongoing experience with Nate has been noted by professionalism, honest feedback, and reasonable solutions. Nate has always exemplified the ability to grasp complex issues, and design simplified solutions that can be put into practical application. His experience and understanding of multiple tiers of the industry make him a strong resource for any company."

Lou Romano

President, Flying Fish Brewing Company

“It brings me joy to be writing this letter on behalf of Nate Fochtman and his business – The FreeMind Group.  It’s hard to put into words when you meet someone and immediately appreciate and respect them as a professional.  Nate and I met when he was with Ace Distributing and Blake’s was a relatively unknown commodity.  He worked with me during the beginning stages and pre-brand launch. He then worked more day to day with one of my Regional Sales Managers after our launch on a more frequent basis.  Our RSM raved about Nate and his attention to detail.  From our first meeting, Nate took the opportunity at every turn to make sure we felt valued, appreciated and get Blake’s out into the market with his team.  I can tell you we were thrilled by some of the programs and success we had with him helping our brand grow from nothing into what it is today, a top 10 craft cider brand in the country.  On the flip side, once Nate left Ace, our numbers, attention to the Blake’s brand, and the overall value we felt took a nosedive.  We couldn’t get calls, emails, or anything of the sort back from Ace Distributing regarding helping our brand in any way, shape or form.  In the end, we ended up leaving that distributor shortly after Nate’s departure.  These actions show the type of value Nate will bring to any organization.”

Aaron Lanchet

Sales Director, Blake’s Hard Cider

“I have come to know Nate Fochtman in a professional setting over the last fifteen years.  I have worked with Nate directly at Origlio Beverage, as well as worked as his counterpart when he was employed by Ace Beverage.  Nate’s work ethic can be described as exemplary.  I would like to briefly touch on the qualities that he exhibits which made him so valuable.

·       Reliability:  Nate had always been dependable in regard to his professional career.  Whenever he was assigned a task, it was always completed in a timely manner. 

·       Organization:  With over 60 suppliers, it is imperative to be as organized as one can be.  As a former brand manager (along with Nate), it is impossible to perform one’s duties without the highest level of organization and the ability to multi-task.  Nate always demonstrated those qualities at the highest level demanded by the job.

·       Thoroughness:  With many official documents being sent and received from our suppliers, as well as our retail customers, it was crucial that the Brand Manager be as thorough as possible.  Nate proved to be meticulous in detail time and time again.  At Ace Beverage, he acted as the final “line of defense” in regard to all communications sent to and from their supplier partners.

·       Engaging:  Since we have a large number of suppliers, internal employees and external accounts, it is imperative to have excellent communication skills, as well as an out-going personality.  Nates personality is a perfect fit for a large business environment. He can best be described as courteous, friendly, outgoing and professional.

·       Evolving:  Nate had consistently improved upon himself.  Whether it was through the participation of company provided seminars, asking questions or merely through observation, his motivation had always been to better himself and learn each day.

·       Self Sufficient:  Nate was more than capable to work within his own environment, at his own pace.  In the past, whenever the task at hand had been completed, he could be counted on to move on to the next.  Nate can be categorized as a “self-starter.”

These assets made it a pleasurable experience to work with Nate over the past several years.  I strongly feel that his contributions made our company, and Ace Beverage, more efficient and productive.  I feel, without reserve, that Nate will make a strong contribution to any future endeavor that he chooses to partake.”

Robert Seely

Sales Director, Origlio Beverage

“I have known Nate for several years as we have worked together to execute beautiful projects in York City from start to finish during his employment with Ace Distributing. I can honestly recommend Nate without reservation or hesitation. In the time that we worked together he was always diligent with his work, timely with emails, and tended to everything needed to accomplish the tasks laid out for us. I don't know too many people who could pull off projects that combined art and business as well as Nate did, making sure both parties work harmoniously to create the best possible product.  To conclude I highly recommend Nate Fochtman, confident that he will bring the same drive and dedication to your organization that he has shown me in working together over the years.”

Andrius Polonikas

Artist / Multi Media Designer

“I worked closely with Nate Fochtman and his entertainment business FreeMind Entertainment for several years in the early 2010s. During that time, he was able to help develop/foster a thriving music community in Central Pennsylvania working closely with local bands, touring acts, local venues and promoters. Nate helped me directly with booking and promotions for the band I managed, Ledbetter Heights as well as acting as a committee member for the Rock 4 Drew fundraising concert event to help raise funds for the Drew Michael Taylor Foundation. Nates efforts and expertise helped me grow the band business and raise valuable funds for the Drew Michael Taylor Foundation. Nate is a pleasure to work with, his enthusiasm for his work is contagious and I hope to work with Nate again in the future should our career paths intersect again.”

Tony Diehl

CEO Stickable Media

Co-Owner Denim Coffee Company

“It was a pleasure to work with Nate in the past.  He is energetic and professional, creating positive interactions with potential customers and cultivating strong relationships over time.” 

Melissa Bagan

President, Maximum Promotions

“I am writing this letter on behalf of Nate Fochtman, whom I have known and worked with through the food and beverage industry since 2012.  Prior to meeting Nate, I was aware of his outstanding reputation as a leader in marketing, brand building, and community awareness.  Through our professional relationship I was able to see these qualities and attributes first hand.  White Rose Bar and Grill and our guests directly benefited from Nate’s brand building during his time at Ace Distributing, by attracting high quality brands to join their portfolio. Recently I had the pleasure of participating in a Design Thinking workshop which allowed me the opportunity to see Nate work first hand utilizing qualities such as creative thinking, problem solving, and design implementation.  He participated in this workshop while managing freelance projects and designing packaging for Wyndridge Farms and DuClaw Brewing Company.  This was direct evidence that can allow me to assert that Nate possesses a dedicated drive to meet and exceed his client’s expectations while balancing personal and professional ambitions and responsibilities.    Nate Fochtman would be an asset to any industry, business, partnership, or community and has my strongest recommendation.”

Aaron Kohr    

General Manager, White Rose Bar and Grill